Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Interesting days

While my hair was shaved

Mess on the table, Economic stuffs

My English class
Backward style
Best Barber Shop
Disgusting Table

All of the pictures above were taken yesterday, it was an interesting college and personal day. For the whole week, some random college's organization is making a fancy clothing week which require everyone of us to dress up according to theme of the day. On Monday, it was a "back to school day" where everyone of us supposed to wear our old school uniform, but since I'm an international student, i didn't bring my old school uniform so i dressed normally. Yesterday was a "backwards" day, we wore our clothes on the opposite side, the inner side of shirt will be outside or front part of the shirt be the back side. At first, i didn't dressed up as the "backward" style, but when I arrived in college I saw Calvin wear his shirt in "backward" style, me and Christian went to the toilet and straight away reverse our clothe to the "backward" style. Yesterday I also had my hair shaved off, it was the first time in Malaysia I went to that kind of barbershop. It was a "macha" barber shop, the seats were still the old style where it can't be move, there were not lot of spaces there, the essences of Indian weird perfume mixed with chicken curry smells made me feels like puking. The barber shop was very dirty, the floor was full of hair and mustache and everything, but I didn't really care because it's kind of cheap about 6 RM. Today is a "formal" day, lot of guys are dressed in suits and girls are dressed in gowns, I didn't have those kind of clothing, so again I wore dressed normally.

Those are the happy story for the past 2 days and now, and the sad (not that sad) story, I got an assignment, which is a research for my Economic biggest project of the semester (ISU). Now, I'm still reading all those information that i got from the net, hope that I can finish it by today, coz I should write a report about it and handed it on Friday.

Any comment. . .just post it!!!
hehehe. . .


iWrite said...

Hey, do you take the pics from cellphone camera? If yes, which cell phone because the pictures are really nice! :-)

Indra Permana Kantawibawa said...

Yes, I took most of the pictures with cellphone. . . it was Sony ericson S500i. . thanks for the comment dou. .

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