Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hey Ho 2009

The Blast of fire

This Cute lil' Guy, My Brother's son
My Grandma, New Years Eve annual activity, Mahjong. The old people were playing mahjong while the young one played the drinking game.
The Drinking game
The barbecue
My Happy Big Family
Ring Of Fire
Hand to Hand to lighted up the firecrackers.
My sister, brother, me, unknown and another sister
Hey, I'm wearing yours.
Somehow can be said as a tradition of my family, new years eve should be celebrated together. The celebration took place at my Auntie's house. An open air big terrace. This year celebration was the first time we did barbecue.

Barbecue was done and continued with drinking games. 15 minutes countdown to 2009, everyone gathered and we played with firecrackers. Firecrackers were my most favourite from most of all.

I thought, after the family celebration, I would be joining friends at one club but then when I reached home and saw my bed, I can resist of going to sleep. I was so wasted, not by the alcohol or so but because Dirga and Me were surfing in the morning for 4 hours and yesterday night we had not enough sleep.

Here are some pictures of my new years eve celebration

Happy New Years Everyone


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