Monday, February 16, 2009


hahaha... I've been weight lifting for quite sometime but unregularly, i mean not that often. Its like twice a week or so. Actually its not the story i would like share with you guys, but since i have no picture, and no pictures in post means boring, so here i go putting those pictures up.

So, what's been happening??

One is that i am really happy because I rejoin my basketball team back. The training was fun and the team are crazy and maybe even more than crazy.

Second, somehow I am more into indonesian music rather than english. I used to heard English music everytime, but meanwhile i do not know any good english song, so I prefer listening to Indonesian. Where do i got it?? My basketball team mate, they are like so updated to Indonesian music. hahahah.... its good for me.

Third, I did no dating on valentine, yet I was at My friend's uncle wedding. Honestly, I did not enjoy it. But when it was kind of late, My basketball mates came by my house and picked me up to Mbargo.

Fourth, This Valentine Mbargo party was hell lot of fun. I did not drink much, but watching them dancing and shaking were really amuzing. Its been 3 months that I never been out " I mean clubbing stuff".

Fifth, I bought the ticket for Singapore. I am officially will be going to Singapore .. YEAY... on 16th of March and will be meeting up with family on 25th.

Sixth, I spent most of my time with no more movie, but Twilight novel. Its a really good book, really light reading

There are more and more, and if it continues there will be no end.... Hahahahah... "LEBAI"

oke... oke.. got to get back to my dad's email task....



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