The massage was really nice, I believe its not specifically a balinese traditional massage which is usually I did! A combination of shiatsu, cuz she stepped on me, thai massage she pull my leg, my hands and my neck, and also it was balinese, with the simple thumb push over my back.
After massage, showered and made my mum lucnh. Again, another luncheon meat, but with additional canned sardines and tahu.
Suddenly mom said " tien, ngantuk kali, tidur dulu ya" I thought she wanted to sleep upstair inside her room, but then she fell a sleep at her chair. Hahaha... I guess this is a really rare occasion.
I will be updating blog, with more photos yeah.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
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